Learning to Love Much — Serving at Festival of Hope Outreach
Our students have the opportunity to participate in various community service projects and events. One of the big annual events we look forward to is serving at Freedom City Church’s summer outreach event called Festival of Hope. There’s nothing quite like watching dozens of former addicts, convicts and criminals coming together to bring hope back to overlooked neighborhoods of our city.
Festival of Hope is an event that provides the community of North Springfield with grocery handouts, free meals for the entire community, live testimonies, entertainment, and much more. Our students serve in different capacities such as distributing free groceries, hosting our booth, or handing out water. They also get the chance to hear live music and testimonies from musicians, entertainers and speakers who often come from recovery backgrounds.
This year we were not only blessed to see our students participating in such an incredible outreach, but we also saw numerous graduates and alumni of the Hope Homes program step up to volunteer on their own. We reached out to a few of the alumni who were present at Festival of Hope to ask them why they wanted to be a part of this outreach. Here’s what they had to say:
“During my time at the Hope Homes of the Ozarks I quickly learned that what makes being involved in our church so special is the heart for community outreach and the lost. So when I was asked if I’d be willing to help feed a thousand people, I knew I was all in. In John 21:17 Jesus said to Peter: if love you me, feed my sheep.” - Jason P. (Jason helped man the BBQ pit which served 2000 hot meals to the community. Graduated June 2021)
“Festival of Hope represents everything the Hope Homes stands for and as a Hope Home graduate, being able to be a part of it was an absolute honor! I wanted to serve because celebrating recovery and returning citizens is a part of my DNA and being able to see others get impacted by this vision means the world to me.” - Andrew B. (Andrew helped emcee the event and shared his testimony as a former juvenile delinquent and convict. Graduated August 2020)
“Before I went into the Hope Homes of the Ozarks, my life was dedicated to serving myself. Throughout my time at the Hope Homes I began experiencing the love of Jesus Christ with deeper intimacy. This intimacy awakened an understanding of the cause of Christ. Serving the least of these encompasses that cause in the fullest sense. The Hope Homes of the Ozarks was the catalyst for a paradigm shift within my Spirit from self-serving to living to serve.” - Zachary R. (Zachary served on security at the event and hosted special guests at the V.I.P. tent. Graduated 2018)
When community service hours are no longer an issue, when no program requires your attendance, and when there are plenty of other places to spend your summer weekend, what brings a Hope Home graduate to come out and serve? Jesus gives us the very answer in Luke 7:47 when the woman with a sin-marred past returns to anoint him with oil and pour out her very best in worship to Him: “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown.”